Schaben, Allen J. –– – LA MESA, CA – MARCH 8, 2010: Claude Cassier, 89, a retired photographer, and his wife of 66 years, Beverly, are living a modest life in La Mesa, and discovered 10 years ago that a Madrid museum has the 1898 Impressionist painting (at right is a copy) by Camille Pissarro that was seized by the Nazis from Cassier’s grandmother. He is her only heir and has been doing battle with the Spanish government to get it back. The question of whether he can sue a foreign government goes before an en banc 9th Circuit panel later this month, but even under the most expeditious scenario he’s unlikely to see the painting in his lifetime. He has a replica of the painting framed in his study, as well as German–language art books depicting the artworks owned by his family before WWII, including some pictures of him and his wife of 66 years, Beverly. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)